I don’t know where this comes from, The Abomination doesn’t respect my mother, I’m way pass the art of chivalry, and you might say I was influenced by the media but I came up with the idea that women were supposed to be respected and taken care of. I’m not trying to sound like some sort of caveman here but that’s what a man does and the thing is I don’t have any money but for the right girl I would do anything; I thought girls liked poetry, flowers, and candy but at the end of the day it always comes down to my face. Women don’t want anything from me with my face but I write a poem and give it to some other guy and a girl’s panties drop quick.
I have a problem, when it comes to any girl “She’s So High” above me and the thing is I lift them even higher and I guess no girl can reach such expectations and then I get upset when I can’t reach them; hell they fall and I still can’t. Personally I have come to the conclusion that money and money alone is the only way to somehow reach that pedestal I have placed all girls on because my words, me being sweet, and of course the nice guy routine never works… but really I am a nice guy or at least I try to be. What about Chrissy… I thought she was different but in the end all she saw was the monster but if a monster has enough money he can get away with anything.
You don’t need love to have money but you need money to have love; maybe I was born in the wrong age because in this one I have nothing to offer. I say I find some girls disappointing but it’s me poor, lonely, and all alone. If only I was worth a Fine Dime.
~Fine Dime~
Fine dime
One of a kind
More like a dollar
That’s why I holler
Try and work
Be a jerk
All for her
Fine dime
And I whine
Because I’m no “quarter” back
Never had it like that
Before bottled water
With a quarter
Just to court her
Fine dime
To be mine
Would’ve been fine
If only for a time
But to drive… please
Hell to fly, a dream
She’s so high above me
Fine dime
I try to deny
The nickel in my pocket
But I can’t drop it
Her love I need
If it were free
Beg and plead
Fine dime
Financial bind
Give my heart and a penny
I’m still empty
Her heart a house
And I’m kicked out
Always without
Dollars and cents
Love makes no sense
And she’s so fine
But she’s not mine
One Fine Dime
Copyright © 2011, Will A. Bradford Jr. All rights reserved.
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